“Preparing the leaders of this dispensation for the work of ministry today, and tomorrow …”

Best Education

Christian Union Theological S. Serving the Kingdom since 2012

Excellent Faculties

Christian Union Theological S. faculty has a love for teaching

Online Education

All distance course offered are designed to be equivalent to CUTS

Study Online at Anytime and Earn Your Degree from Anywhere in the World.

Learn more about an education from Christian Union Theological Seminary.

The Christian Union Theological Seminary (CUTS), offers the following programs or postgraduate degree, to those who are graduates of the College and wish to pursue an advanced degree. The student must maintain a “B” average and must complete the specified requirements for each grade.

The purpose of these programs is for students to develop a fundamental knowledge of the teachings within these concentrations and learn analytical skills, to equip them in the ministry within the church, making it a global perspective.

The Union Christian Theological Seminary offers a bachelor’s or master’s degree in 6 different concentrations. The Bachelor’s degree consists of 120 credit hours.


The Christian Union Theological Seminary offers the following postgraduate programs for those who are graduates of the College and wish to pursue an advanced degree. The student must maintain an average of “B” and complete the requirements specified for each grade. If the student wishes an additional degree, these are available in the fields of: Biblical Studies, Theology, Ministries, Apologetics, Divinity, Christian Counseling and Christian Education. Entry requirement is a bachelor’s or master’s degree.


The Christian Union Theological Seminary, (STUC) offers the following postgraduate programs for those who are graduates of the university and wish to obtain an advanced degree. The student must maintain an average of “B” and complete the requirements specified for each grade. If the student wishes an additional degree, these are available in the fields of: Biblical Studies, Theology, Ministries, Apologetics, Divinity, Christian Counseling and Christian Education. Entry requirement is a master’s degree.


Study at home. The courses offered by CUTSI rely on regular supplies of textbooks, study guides and an analysis of the subject material in each chapter. Some courses include all these, while others may require only one of these methods of study.

Online and Distance Education



Build Skills from
expert teacher

The Christian Union Theological Seminary (CUTS) has become an excellent option for those seeking to prepare themselves in biblical and theological studies. We offer a variety of in-person and online programs for students around the world. Earn your bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree at your own pace with one of our degree programs. Whether your interest lies in biblical studies, Christian counseling, ministry, Christian leadership, Christian theology, evangelism, or apologetics. Each of our programs allows you to work at your own pace, and each completed module of work is passed on and graded by your Christian Teacher.

Courses and Study Programs

Undergraduate courses

The Christian Union Theological Seminary offers the Bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in 6 different concentrations. The Bachelor’s degree consists of 120 credit hours.

Master's Courses

The Christian Union Theological Seminary, offers the following graduate programs for those who are graduates of the College and wish to pursue an advanced degree.

Doctoral Programs

The Christian Union Theological Seminary, ,offers the following postgraduate programs for those who are graduates of the College and wish to pursue an advanced degree.


The chaplaincy levels are designed to meet your community, vocational and ministerial-related needs so you can make a difference for Christ and His Church as a chaplain.

Postgraduate research

Study on a postgraduate research programme at The Christian Union Theological Seminary and you'll be part of a community whose work has an impact on people's lives across the globe.

Course and Study Program

Public Course

Pellentesque etiam tristique hendrerit

Undergraduate courses

Pellentesque etiam tristique hendrerit

Master's courses

Pellentesque etiam tristique hendrerit

Postgraduate research

Pellentesque etiam tristique hendrerit

Become Lecturer

Pellentesque etiam tristique hendrerit



Contact the alumni association to stay up to date with what God is doing with our graduates

your calling

Our graduates leave prepared to join the work of ministry here, and around the world.

Teachers and careers

Christian Union prepares you to serve as a leader, teacher and minister of the Gospel.

We offer additional financial support

to help all students access higher education.

CHRISTIAN UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Our outreach program makes a difference!

The opportunity to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world has never been greater. Establishing and maintaining a Bible school, an institute or seminary plays a vital role in equipping Christians to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Bible teaches and encourages believers to study to show yourself approved to God … (2 Timothy 2:15). This requires the example of pastors and church leaders who are systematically studying the word of God, encouraging their congregations to do the same.

Upcoming Events

Academic Conferences

International Conference on Ministry

Seminary Graduates


Christian Union Theological Seminary (CUTS), admits students of any race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights and privileges, programs and activities generally agreed or available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its policies on admissions, scholarships and loan programs, educational policies and other athletics programs managed by the seminary.